Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sipiso-piso waterfall

Sipiso-piso waterfall is located in Tongging village in Tanah Karo regency. If yo go from Medan, first, you have to take a bus to Kabanjahe, the capital city of Karo regency. Then, take another bus to tongging village. The journey lasts for about two and a half hours. When you arrive, you will see a green village. You can also enjoy the view of Tanah Karo and Toba Lake, the biggest volcanic lake in the world. To get closer to this waterfall, you need to go down through hundreds of man-made steps.
Let me tell you more about sipiso-piso waterfall. The word Sipiso-piso in the Karo language means knives. It is called so because the falling water looks like blades of knives. The height is 120 meter high. That’s why the sound of the falling water is very loud.
Sipiso-piso waterfall has been visited by many domestic and foreign tourists. Most of foreign tourists are from Malaysia, Singapore, France and the Netherlands. So, what are you waiting for ? come and visit Sisipo-sipo waterfall !! Enjoy the beauty of Indonesia.

soal - soal :)
15.  How long is the journey from Medan to tongging ?
a.       Two hours.
b.      Two and half hours.
c.       Three hours.
d.      Four hours.
16.  Where is the waterfall located ?
a.       At Medan.
b.      At Toba Lake.
c.       At Kabanjahe.
d.      At Tongging village.
17.  What is the waterfall like ?
a.       Green, famous, beautiful.
b.      High, famous, beautiful.
c.       Green, neglected, clear.
d.      High, neglected, clear.
18.  “… because the falling water looks like blades of knives.” The underlined word maens ?
a.       The flat sharp-edged cutting part of a tool or weapon.
b.      The blunt part of knives opposite to the cutting part.
c.       The sharp tips of something used to poke.
d.      The handle of knives.
19.  The last paragraph tells us about ?
a.       The fame of the waterfall
b.      The beauty of the waterfall
c.       The way to reach waterfall
d.      The famous countries in the world.


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